
Engaging in Mission with God!


Engaging in Mission with God!


“Outreach looked really different when I moved here,” explains Mary Girma.

“I was really struggling with talking to non-believers and getting to tell them about Jesus Christ. It was really a huge puzzle. It looked so different to the way we reached out to people in Ethiopia.

“As I started reaching the local community through door-to-door ministry, I was really terrified. I did not like it.”

What really helped Mary was working with an older LCM Missionary, Daada, who had a lot of experience in reaching out to people through door-to-door ministry. Through his care and ministry example, she realised she needn't feel uncomfortable when evangelising strangers in her community.

“The key thing [Daada] told me was that we’re trying to win the person. Not the argument,” Mary recalls.

Once Mary understood what she was trying to do was to build genuine relationships with people, to love them so that she could share the most precious news she had which was the gospel, Mary relaxed.

“Jesus Christ said all authority in heaven and earth has been given to me. So, when we are engaged in the great commission, we actually have all of heaven backing us up,” says Mary.

“It’s not something we do for God, but it’s something we do WITH him. Every time we step out, we can be assured of his blessing and endorsement, his provision…The only thing needed from us is a worshipful heart that adores Jesus Christ, then showing up and being present.”

Mary’s story features in the fourth episode of our new podcast, Everyday Evangelism

Watch or listen here.
