Every Tuesday
Online Prayer
Join us online every Tuesday, 6-7pm for inspiring stories & prayer for our missionaries.
15 Feb
The Big Winter Sleepout
The ultimate night out. Outside. Together. For the gospel!
25 Feb
Pioneer Open Evening
Are you interested in becoming a London City Mission Pioneer but want to know more? Come find out more at the Pioneer Open Evening.
8 Mar
PET Day: Sharing the gospel with our neighbours
Join us for our practical evangelism training day on door-to-door ministry, and making genuine connections with your neighbours on their doorstep.
17 May
Open Day
Come and experience first-hand the amazing things God is doing across London.
It’s a chance to meet the missionaries who are sharing the gospel every day across London, to hear their stories and ask your questions.
28 June & 5 July
Big London Walk
Join hundreds on the 28th June & 5th July 2025, for an unforgettable day of fun, and an inspiring 12-mile walk in London.
Each step you take will help reach someone who has not heard the gospel.