LCM is committed to the highest standards of conduct, integrity, and accountability, consistent with our values which are rooted in biblical truth, and we expect all staff and those working with or representing LCM to maintain these high standards.

People should, therefore, feel able to raise concerns about suspected wrongdoing or malpractice that has taken place, is taking place, or is likely to take place at LCM and that could affect others. They should be assured that their concerns will be listened to respectfully and be handled well and promptly. They should also be confident to raise concerns without fear of unfavourable treatment or retribution as a consequence of whistleblowing.

LCM will aim to learn any lessons from whistleblowing concerns to improve the way we do things.

Before considering making a whistleblowing disclosure please read our whistleblowing policy and procedure – click here for a downloadable PDF.

After reading the policy and procedure if you wish to make a whistleblowing disclosure then please complete the form here and email it to whistleblower@lcm.org.uk.

Where other policies and procedures would be more appropriate:

Safeguarding - if your concern relates to a Safeguarding incident then please follow the procedure relating to Safeguarding available here.

Grievance - if you are a member of LCM staff and your concern is about the way you have personally been treated by your employer, then please follow the internal grievance procedure.