Homeless & marginalised

Jesus sought out people on the edges of society. Every day we hear the harsh reality of the lives of people so often overlooked by others.

Whether it's people who are homeless, women exploited by the sex industry or people who have been in prison, each one has their own story to tell. But almost everyone that we meet describes abuse or rejection which they have suffered at some point in their lives.

There are often huge social barriers amongst these men and women to sharing the gospel in a way they can understand – we help churches to address these and reach out with Christ-like love.

“Every morning i am thankful that where I am is God’s work”

Brian's story

Walk out of any Tube station in London and you’ll meet someone with a story like Brian’s. After prison, Brian struggled. His addictions spiralled out of control and he found himself living on the streets.

But at LCM’s Webber Street day centre, a volunteer explained who Jesus is, and Brian took the first step to rehab. Eventually, he gave his life to God.

“I’d never given any thought to religion” said Brian, “I didn’t come from that kind of background.”

Hear Brian's full story

Examples of our work

Webber Street Day Centre

Every day, Webber Street Day Centre welcomes in guests to receive a warm breakfast, a shower and practical support – relief from life on the streets. Guests receive support to take the next step out of homelessness. They also get to hear the gospel, lovingly shared by staff and volunteers from local churches.

Prisons Ministry

Our specialist missionaries come alongside churches to go into prisons and build connections with prisoners – reading the Bible together, sharing the gospel and discipling those that come to faith. We also support those coming out of prison, as they adapt to a new life, connecting them with a family of believers.

Vulnerable Women

Our missionaries come alongside churches to reach out to vulnerable women. This could mean women living in hostels having suffered abuse, women struggling with addictions or victims of sex-trafficking. We help churches to build loving relationships with women, connecting them with the practical support they need, and sensitively share the hope of Jesus.

“Most of church members are at the point where they’re making life decisions. Serving at Webber Street is part of setting before them a big vision of Jesus and a big vision of the needs of our city.”

Jonty Allcock, Pastor, The Globe Church

Brian's story

Hear Brian tell his story of how he went from a life on the streets to living for Jesus.

get in touch
is your church interested in reaching people who are homeless or marginalised with the gospel? We'd love to talk about how we can help.

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