
We know from the Bible that the church is Jesus' treasured possession and that he is building it.

LCM works alongside churches to help them thrive - bringing in people from the outside to join the church family, adding to its beauty and diversity.

The impact isn't just felt by the local community with whom the church shares their lives and their faith. The impact is on the church itself, as it becomes more outward-focused, more welcoming and as Christians are released to use their gifts of ministry to their potential.

We believe that a missional culture is the mark of a healthy church - and we love to help churches along this journey.

Tower Hamlets Community Church

Hear how a missional culture is impacting a church in Tower Hamlets.

Examples of our work

Mobilising churches

We partner with churches in the areas of London where people are least likely to hear the gospel. We work closely with local churches, equipping members to build bridges into communities, share the gospel and welcome new believers into the church family.

Training churches

We serve churches across the city and beyond, understanding their vision for local mission, and providing the tools to help them achieve it. We help churches to understand their local community and give training on reaching them effectively for the gospel.

Enabling mission through giving and prayer

We love to partner with all evangelical churches, wherever they are to enable mission! We do this through LCM church reps, who connect the rest of the congregation with what God is doing in London, and share resources. We also send missionaries to churches to share, first hand, the impact their prayers and gifts are having, and to encourage and inspire the church in their own local mission.

“Our vision is to be multi-generational and a church open to working-class people that really values them and makes them feel at home. LCM is really helping us to realise this.”

Tony Uddin, Pastor, Tower Hamlets Community Church

"It’s like someone filling you up"

Maria's story

“Never in a million years would you see me knocking on someone’s door. ‘That’s someone else’s ministry’, I would have told you”, says Maria from Forestdale Church in Croydon.

“I went out with (missionary) Simon one afternoon – I learnt so much. Then I started to go out regularly with the team from church – going into the neighbourhood, meeting people on their doorsteps. It’s about finding natural opportunities to talk about Jesus – listening well and asking questions. This ministry is uplifting, it’s like someone filling you up.”


London is one of the most diverse cities in the world. Here you can find 83% of the world's nations - so many of which are represented by churches across the city.

These diaspora churches have long been an integral and distinctive part of this city, but have been especially pivotal in London's church growth in recent years. Whether it's a primarily Nigerian congregation on the Old Kent Road, or a Turkish community in Enfield, diaspora churches are often located amongst communities where the gospel isn't widely known.

We come alongside churches with strong connections to other areas of the world, to help them realise their desire to lovingly share the hope of Jesus with people around them.

One such church is National Testament Assembly (NTA) based in Tooting - home to one of London's largest Asian communities. LCM have been working alongside the church to help them in their vision to reach this local community for Jesus.

"It was when a handful of people from the local Asian community started coming through the church doors, that God seemed to be really moving", says missionary Gifty Dhanapal.

"In meeting these newcomers and understanding their needs, other church members were able to get to know them and care for some of their immediate needs. It seemed to transform the culture within the church!"

"LCM's approach, in working alongside the local church, envisioning, and enabling, is an answer to prayer. This kind of partnership and generous sharing of resources will strengthen the Church, get God's attention and bring salvation and healing to our broken communities."

Delroy Powell, National Presiding Bishop of the New Testament Assembly

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Caring for guests during the refurbishment

Even though Webber Street Centre is closed, we are still serving guests during the refurbishment through a takeaway breakfast service!

Finding God through the wrong turns

God took John on quite a journey before he started work at Webber Street as a Mission Associate. His experience in overcoming addiction and homelessness has helped us greatly in the work we do. And we thank God for his life.

A powerful game of cards

God often moves in ordinary ways. There are no grand gestures or powerful events, but seemingly everyday occurrences can lead to an eternity-transforming miracle.

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