
The Power of Prayer – how the Holy Spirit moved at Hope Church.


The Power of Prayer – how the Holy Spirit moved at Hope Church.


How can we make prayer central to our ministry? For Ursula at Hope Church, Newham, it meant understanding that prayer was a two-way conversation. “God spoke through someone to tell us... I'm the leader of this work and you need to align with me.”

Ursula serves at Hope Church where they run Hope at the Hub. The hub is a weekly drop-in for adults – and a place to play games, relax, and build friendships.

Since its launch, a whole mix of people have come through the doors, conversations have been flowing, and soon some started coming to Church on Sundays.

God was certainly at work, and through their church partnership with LCM, they’ve become much more intentional: “[we were] having many more intentional conversations with people about Jesus.” Ursula recalls.

LCM missionary, Scott encouraged them to form a team to pray and to work together. This prayer practice snowballed into something much bigger – a bold move of the Holy Spirit.

Soon a team member shared that they had received a word from the Lord – that they needed to listen to His voice, and they would start bearing more fruit.

And that’s exactly what happened.

Soon the Holy Spirit was giving them strategy for ministry and promptings to reach out to specific people, with wonderful results.

“If we're in tune with God, if we're listening to Holy Spirit, we are reflecting Jesus in what we do. It's not a forced thing: ‘Oh, I need to now add in the bit about Jesus!’ I mean, it just comes out naturally.”

To discover more creative ways to pray for God’s Kingdom to come, check out Episode 8 of our Everyday Evangelism podcast.
