
A simple invitation


A simple invitation


“I could see sorrow in his face,” says Joseph Pandian, missionary in Harrow. Patrick was standing outside Rayner’s Lane Baptist church, and Joseph immediately felt compelled to invite him in to join the coffee morning. “He gladly accepted my invitation; I could tell he was so relieved,” explains Joseph.

“In my lifetime I’ve never been invited into a church by anyone, I’m so glad!” exclaimed Patrick. 

“I could see the joy in his face when he walked in,” says Joseph. “He was feeling lonely, but he felt there was someone there to care for him. This little kindness made a huge difference in Patrick’s life.”

“I gifted him a Bible and he’s started coming to church regularly. I pray he will come to a point where he will be baptised, proclaiming Jesus as his personal Saviour one day soon.”

This simple act of love and welcome by Joseph made a great impact on Patrick.

It’s with the heart to encourage ordinary Christians to take these same simple steps in their everyday lives, that LCM has launched Everyday Evangelism. It features a resource hub, as well as a new podcast to help Christians share their faith as part of their everyday lives.

Joseph’s story features in the second episode of our new podcast, Everyday Evangelism

Watch or listen here.
