Sometimes, you must expect the unexpected on the high street sharing the good news of Jesus Christ with strangers.
I was out one day with the LCM team and a few volunteers from the local church. We were playing Christian music and sharing the gospel when a man stormed over with his pitbull off the leash.
The man, visibly angry, yanked the plug out of our speakers and started shouting, "You're disturbing everyone!"
I initially felt antagonistic and thought, "But you're the one that's creating the disturbance right now." But I quickly caught myself and changed my approach.
I gently pointed out to the man, "Let's be honest. You're not angry with us. There's something deeper here that is coming out in your anger."
His attitude changed immediately. I could see my words hit true. I sat down next to the man, began stroking his dog, and shared the gospel with him.
It was then the man admitted he was a broken person. I couldn’t help but respond, "Yeah, we all are, friend."
By the end of our conversation, the man apologised, hugged me, and left with a New Testament and an invitation to church.
It’s remarkable what grace can do in a world hostile to the gospel. By responding with grace and seeing where the man was coming from, God's intervention turned a potentially violent situation into a moment of understanding.