Salome Fialho Rodrigues

Missionary in Barking & Dagenham and Havering

“My vision is that Jesus Christ will meet many women who have no hope"

Salome grew up in Oxford from the age of 10 years old, but is originally from Portugal.

Her family is from a non-Christian background. In her house, magic and new age were practiced and believed. From 17 years old, she was trafficked into London - after 6 months she escaped but remained in the sex industry, which led her into an abusive relationship. Salome was hurting, broken and so angry at the world and God until she heard the gospel. She heard Jesus encounter a woman similar to her in John chapter 4 and he knew her so well, yet he forgave her and gave her a new life. Salome's life changed in days by being rescued and given a completely new life spiritually and physically.

“I’ve had a burning desire to share the gospel with everyone since the very first day I became a follower and disciple of Jesus. Women with a similar background to me are who the Lord kept putting in my path. He renewed my life completely and I strongly believe that he called me to proclaim his gospel of grace, love, and salvation to people of all nations.”

Salome runs a foodbank ministry in Bethel Christian Center, Dagenham, with a focus on reaching people that are homeless and marginalised. She also works alongside the borough’s churches who desire to reach this group.

“Everyday you see physical and spiritual needs at the foodbank. I often meet women in horrible situations and families who have no access to public funds, who are unreached by the gospel.”

Salome has recently worked with St Thomas Becontree, coming alongside members and meeting people in the local community, getting to know their needs and offering prayer, and now working on planting a food pantry ministry.

“My vision is that Jesus Christ will meet many women who have no hope or were in similar situations that I was in and that his name will be glorified across Barking and Dagenham.”

Salome is a single parent and lives with her son Raphael in Stratford, East London. She loves being creative and doing anything artsy. She often use her skills and passion in this area to tell the gospel story and reach women.

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