Micah Hooks

Night Project Worker at Corner House

"We want the soil of their hearts cultivated and watered, planting seeds of truth and hope"

Micah grew up as a ‘missionary kid’. One of his earliest memories is watching his dad interact with those sleeping rough in the West End as they handed out soup cans to them. “We would always have the most interesting people come to Christmas dinner which made a real impact on me. It was only natural for me to eventually work for LCM and to follow in my dad’s footsteps.”

“I love playing a part in the vision to love and serve those who are marginalised and in need of a saviour. I want to reach out to people in the context of relationships like Jesus did - being vulnerable with people and sharing life through hospitality and friendship.”

Micah now works as Night Project Worker at the Corner House where he works with a team of staff and volunteers, seeking to equip and inspire everyday Christians to share the hope of Christ. Together, they work to befriend residents in recovery and to turn the corner on homelessness and past trauma.

Corner House provides a stable platform for individuals to escape the cycles of homelessness through providing a safe, clean and inviting place to live as well as a good meal, a sense of community, and an opportunity to develop spiritually. Corner House also works to help residents find more permanent solutions for housing, as well as helping with applications, job searches and benefit claims.

“My vision for Corner House is that every man who lives here would have a life changing experience, whether they are a believer already or if they are still on a journey. We want the soil of their hearts cultivated and watered, planting seeds of truth and hope.”

Micah lives in south-west London and loves to use his creativity through art within and outside of his role at LCM. In his free time, he enjoys many creative hobbies including antique restoration.

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