Marina Akinjiola

Team Leader in Brent

“I want to see young people living boldly with the confidence that God loves them"

Marína is a missionary team leader who shares the good news of Jesus Christ with children and youth in Brent.

The borough has a population density of 7,580 people per square kilometer – the highest in outer London. In common with other London Boroughs, Brent has a relatively young population with many young people who need to hear the saving message about Jesus.

Marína would like to see young people empowered by the Gospel. Often young people get bad press; some of it warranted, but most of it not. She wants to see young people live out their God-given purpose and positively impact their local community.

“I want to see young people living boldly with the confidence that God loves them and has a purpose for their life regardless of their mishaps along the way”.

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