Derick Green

Project Worker at Webber Street Homeless day centre

"I grew up amidst poverty and hopelessness, and I understand the pain of those who feel rejected by society"

Derick Green comes from Kingston, Jamaica, where he grew up in a challenging inner-city environment. At 17, he encountered the gospel and surrendered his life to Jesus Christ.

“Jesus gave his life for me, and that transformed my entire outlook,” Derick shares.

His wife, Bodwin, is from London and he moved to the city with her. Derick learned about London City Mission (LCM) through his church, which had members involved with the mission, and felt a profound calling to join Webber Street, a ministry serving people who are homeless and marginalised.

"I grew up amidst poverty and hopelessness, and I understand the pain of those who feel rejected by society. Jesus saved me, and I feel deeply called to share that hope with others, especially those who live on the fringes of society," Derick says.

Now at Webber Street, Derick dedicates his days to building relationships with individuals who are often overlooked. His work involves not only preaching the gospel but also providing practical support like meals, clothing, and showers. “It’s more than just meeting physical needs,” Derick emphasises. “It’s about sitting down, listening, and offering genuine friendship and hope.”

In the bustling area of Waterloo, the need is immense. Many face the daily struggles of homelessness. Today in London the number of rough sleepers has doubled over the past decade, with an average age of death at just 45 years old, with many from suicide.

For hurting people who have experienced so much rejection, there are huge social barriers to hearing a gospel message of God's grace. Practical help and genuine care are essential in creating an environment where healing and restoration of the whole person can take place.

Despite these challenges, Derick remains hopeful and dedicated. “My vision is to see lives transformed by the power of Jesus Christ, bringing hope to those who feel hopeless and helping them discover their God-given potential.”

Derick lives in King's Cross with his wife, Bodwin. They have two grown children and seven grandchildren. In his free time, Derick enjoys spending time with his family.

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