Anni Uddin

Field Director for Homeless & Marginalised

“I want to see people walk out of brokenness and gain confidence...transformed by the power of the gospel"

God gave Anni a passion for those who are homeless and on the edges of society, from a young age. As a child sitting in church she heard stories of people’s lives transformed by the gospel, which stay with her to this day.

Although Anni grew up in the Church, she has personal experience of brokenness which offers her great empathy. She has seen the transforming power of the gospel first-hand.

“I identify with those on the margins, but I also know the transforming power of the gospel. God doesn’t just take something broken and patch it up, he takes what is broken and makes it new!”

Anni works as LCM’s Field Director for Homeless and Marginalised where she supports, leads and envisions teams of missionaries to reach people on the margins. It’s Anni’s heart that we don’t just act as the ‘rescuer’ to those who are broken, but we point them to the true Saviour Jesus, in a sensitive, loving and effective way.

More than  800 people sleep rough every day on London’s streets, with many trapped in addiction and mental health issues. Through LCM initiatives such as Webber Street day centre, the Corner House, and Hope Community Homes and the Prison and Resettlement team, Anni’s team work to support those in need and help them get back on their feet.

“I want to see people walk out of brokenness and gain confidence, being more in control of their life. But it’s more than just food, clothing and housing; it’s about being transformed by the power of the gospel, and being discipled within a loving Church community.”

Anni is married to Tony, who pastors Tower Hamlets Community Church - a welcoming multi-cultural, multi-generational church that loves mission. They have been serving the Lord together for over 25 years.

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