
Explore our blog posts below.

What’s the Point-illism? - Finding Hope in hopeless circumstances

This mental health week, missionary Jennifer Garibay, shares her experiences with guests experiencing homelessness at Webber Street Day Centre, and how we can point others - and ourselves – to the hope that’s found in Jesus.

Lean into the weirdness: Sharing the gospel with courage and compassion

Martin, LCM’s newest missionary to Muslims and people of other religions in London, shares five tips to have that first gospel conversation with someone.

Embracing hope this Easter

Graham Miller explores what hope means to Christians and encourages us all to share the love of Jesus - our true hope - this Easter..

Thirty days to earn your forgiveness: How Christians can offer hope during Ramadan

Imtiaz Khan explains what Ramadan is, and the hope Christians can offer to Muslims especially during this time.

Five ways to welcome the cultural outsider

Jason Roach explores what it means to be a cultural outsider and what what we can do as Christians when someone walks through your church doors and feels out of place.

Happy Mothers Day - Failure is the Gateway to Jesus

LCM Missionary Carol McFarlane uncovers the crippling expectations that mothers face in urban communities, and how the church can show genuine care and point to the hope of Jesus.