Everyday Evangelism is for everyday Christians like you, who long to see Jesus change the lives of people yet to hear the good news.

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Opening doors to the gospel

Maegan Webb, LCM Pioneer, shares an encouraging story about how reaching the local community one door at a time makes a difference.

What’s the Point-illism? - Finding Hope in hopeless circumstances

This mental health week, missionary Jennifer Garibay, shares her experiences with guests experiencing homelessness at Webber Street Day Centre, and how we can point others - and ourselves – to the hope that’s found in Jesus.

A Prayer for Forgiveness

Simon Knightly shares that moment when Iris, an isolated 89-year-old woman living in Forestdale estate, came to know Jesus as her Lord and Saviour.

Ordinary Miracles

Shane Goodyear, LCM Missionary, shares who changed his eternity by introducing him to Jesus.

Lean into the weirdness: Sharing the gospel with courage and compassion

Martin, LCM’s newest missionary to Muslims and people of other religions in London, shares five tips to have that first gospel conversation with someone.

Turkish tea and Jesus

On the outskirts of Enfield, LCM missionaries have partnered with Silver Street Community Church to reach the local Turkish speaking community with the gospel.


Everyday Evangelism is your monthly delivery of insights, stories and resources, geared to help you and your church share your faith in brand new ways.

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